Image of Update for 9/28/2020 Reminding folks that we are aware of challenges to the beginning of the school year

Good evening Eagles,

We’re finally here, the first official day of school. This year continues to be one that no one could have ever planned for, yet through it all we’ve come together to show our true grit and connection as a community.

This week will be about ensuring the logistics work. We want everyone to pause, exhale, and know that our goal is simply to ensure that our students and families are safe and have what they need to ease into the school year. This means it will be bumpy, and we all know to expect that and we want to relieve your concerns about any potential absences.

To those of you who have returned to our valley, we know the infrastructure and internet is a challenge, we’re glad you’re safe.

To those of you attempting to connect from unfamiliar locations with friends, families, or in hotel rooms, we’re glad you’re safe.

To those of you who were able to successfully log into classes and reconnect with teachers and friends, we’re glad to see you, and most importantly, we’re glad you’re safe.

Our partner agencies, neighbors and others are working hard to restore critical connections, particularly in the upper valley. We know that there are still many things that are outside of your control, and we’re thankful that you’ve tried to connect. We’ll be here when you can.

In the meantime, please find ways to let your teachers know how we can support you. Our staff will be at the McKenzie Bridge Christian Church parking lot on Friday, October 2, at 12 pm. We hope to connect with many of you, answer questions and share what we know so far. A light lunch will be provided.

We hope to see you, Friday, until then keep flying Eagles!

Lane Tompkins
