Volunteer Your Time With Us!

A large part of the school’s success has been the invaluable number of hours donated to the school by parents, community members and staff. As a parent or community member we value your help, skills, and knowledge!

Volunteers are needed in the classrooms, for morning supervision before school, during recess & lunch hour, for field trips, in the office and after school. Ask your classroom teacher for specific ways you might contribute to their classroom, and/or bring your ideas to your teacher or the school, and we will see if we can make it happen!

There are many different opportunities for volunteers, but if you would like to volunteer in the classrooms or school, go on field trips, or work with students, you will need a processed volunteer background check. Volunteer packets and forms are available in the Elementary and MS/HS offices. For more information, please contact the office at the school where you would like to help out!

There Are Many Ways to Get Involved

Please look at the examples below and let us know if these opportunities are of interest to you!


Complete the linked form below:

During the Day

Classroom Support


Support classroom teachers in their educational mission.


Could include classroom support tasks such as organizing, making copies, or working with small groups of students, and student supervision.

Opportunities available in Elementary and Middle/High classrooms


District Safeschools Online Trainings, task specific training

Maintenance & Facilities


Support our Facilities Maintenance and Custodial Departments in their mission of making our campus a safe, sanitary and welcoming place.


Could include landscaping, facility repair, campus cleaning, and special projects.


District Safeschools Online Trainings, task specific training



Support the Transportation Department in their mission of transporting students safely.


Vehicle cleaning, maintenance and student supervision while riding the bus


District Safeschools Online Trainings, task specific training

Outside the Day

K-5 Coaches


Support students in learning valuable skills such as teamwork, discipline, fairplay and perseverance through athletics as well as building fundamental skills for each sport.


Coach students in many sports including flag football, soccer, cross country, volleyball, cross county, basketball, wrestling, teeball, baseball, softball, track and field and golf.


District Safeschools Online Trainings, task specific training

Event Support Staff


Support student activities by working with coaches, advisors and officiating crews to ensure events can occur.


Can include ticket takers, ushers, concert accompanists, team scorekeepers, scoreboard operators, football chain crew, volleyball line officials, track meet officials, concessions stand help and event supervision.


District Safeschools Online Trainings, task specific training


Site Council


To encourage community involvement in shared decision making and to foster the collaborative efforts of district personnel, students, parents, and community members.


Meet monthly and advise the district on ways to improve instructional programs.


District Safeschools Online Trainings, committee orientation

Community Outreach and Engagement Committee (C.Or.E.)


To engage the school community in supporting the instructional and co-curricular programs at McKenzie. Help identify opportunities and meet the needs of students, staff, families and our community. Fundraise and gather resources to see initiatives through.


Meet monthly to collaborate with school administration to meet the needs of our school community.


District Safeschools Online Trainings, committee orientation

Early Childhood Involvement Committee


To provide guidance and support to the Early Childhood Program of McKenzie School District.


Meet regularly with program administration to provide feedback and support to ensure effective implementation and development of the Early Childhood program of McKenzie School District.


Complete the linked form below: